Chamber History
Core Values..
Growth & Prosperity: An organization with a cohesive vision and commitment to success, we will support and facilitate the growth and prosperity of the Russell & District business community.
Accountability and Integrity: We listen, communicate, and welcome others into the process. We live up to our responsibilities through open and transparent processes. In all we do, we will be inclusive. We will carry out our initiatives with integrity and respect for our membership and the community.
Innovation: We are welcoming of diversity; new members and new ideas are a source of inspiration and motivation. We will ensure that innovative means are used to give the Chamber visibility and accessibility.
Take pride in our communities and businesses. We understand, communicate and promote the value of tourism and its direct and indirect benefits. The Russell & District Chamber of Commerce provides a supportive and learning environment for businesses and entrepreneurs. We work to enhance and support our agricultural roots and strengths.
If you share our values we want to extend an invitation to you to become a member.
Our Mission:
The Russell & District Chamber of Commerce facilitates, fosters and encourages the growth and development of commerce in the Municipality of Russell-Binscarth’s and surrounding communities including but not limited to Binscarth, Inglis, Angusville, and Shellmouth.
Board of Directors
Becky Flundra
Prairie Blooms by Becky
Vice President
Jessica Jamieson
Prairie Collective Co.
Chris Radford
APA Southend Auto & Ag
Brent Havelange
Reavie's Pharmacy
Amy Tweet
Assiniboine Valley Recreation
Breanne Goraluk
Instil Hope Counselling
Cindy Kieper
RBC Royal Bank
Past President
Andy Klein
Twin Valley CO-OP Ltd.
Municipal Representative
Ray Elliott
Municipality of Russell-Binscarth
Brittany Pushka
Office Manager